Category Archives: Planning

So – So Weekend

We have healthy food in the house! Oh what a difference it makes to have healthy food on hand. The pantry was cleaned out and all snack foods were gone. I guess I should have talked to hubby because he thought he was being helpful last night and brought home my favorite snacky-type foods… cheetos! Oh no! He also bought a few bags of chips, and soda. My biggest problem though. He bought my all time favorite candy. York peppermint patties. OH No! Not just one! Noooo… I have a bag of them.

I managed to get in a lot of exercise on Saturday, but I didn’t do a thing on Sunday. Not even a walk around the house.

We had a lot of family and friends here helping us around the house on Saturday, and a big pizza party on Saturday night. Oh no! This morning my scale read 260, so I’m exactly where I started last week.

Only thing is, I’m up and moving again, so I’m not really where I started last week. When I look at the scale, there was no change. However, my body feels different. It isn’t taking everything I have to make it through a workout.

I’m excited to get this week off on a good roll. We are in the midst of an extremely hectic month. With our schedule tonight, there is no way to manage a home cooked meal, so we are picking up Subway. Mmmm! A light Subway sandwich, packed with all the vegies. Oh yum!  Along with a side of  sliced apples and a tall glass of water, I am looking forward to my dinner tonight!

We’ll have a housefull of friends and family this next weekend too. I’m planning ahead this time. There will be no pizza on the menu! This weekend may have been so-so, but my next weekend will be fantastic!

Refreshing My Kitchen

My kitchen was fairly bare of anything when I got home… imagine that. I leave an 18 year old home alone and expect to come home to a stocked kitchen? Well not really. 

I stocked up on fresh fruits and vegetables. I found a great deal on danish squash, so I bought a few of them. YUM. I am so looking forward to my Sunday dinner!

Now I’m packing up the kitchen as I get ready for our upcoming move. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not. As far as the stress level goes, if I get it done, I can check it off the list. But what about cooking for the next month?

I think I can get by with a casserole dish, a couple of pans, coffee pot, a knife, cutting board, and a can opener. We will see. I hope this decision doesn’t have an adverse affect on my healthy eating plan.

Culture Shock On The Diet

Here in Oklahoma the people I hang out with tend to eat much different than we do back home in Seattle. At home we are more likely to steam, broil, bake, grill, or eat it raw. Here… it’s dipped into batter and deep fried. It does not matter what it is. Chicken, fish, broccoli, brownies, pickles… YUK! 

I went shopping for my own healthy groceries.  I found a wonderful, high fiber, flat bread to make my sandwiches with. It’s seasoned with Italian herbs and my sandwiches are so yummy and filling, it’s all I have for lunch. I picked up some fresh fruit for snacks, and a high fiber, great tasting cereal for my breakfast.  The water is nasty! So I’m drinking filtered water, but not enough of it. I stocked up on green tea, black tea, and some V8 juice to help me get through without drinking plain filtered water.

It’s been an interesting change in the diet, but hopefully I’m back on track. I really want to lose enough weight so I don’t have to use the seat belt extender on my flight home.

Simple Plan for Weekend Meal Management

Our weekends have been crazy busy this summer. No matter how I plan, I haven’t manage to be home during lunch on a Saturday all summer. We are busy and all of a sudden someone in the group is hungry, so we stop at a favorite fast food joint for junk food to hold us over until we can manage time to sit down for a real meal.

Well, I think I’ve got this weekend all planned out. No more food emergencies for me! I purchased some of those Ziploc food containers and quart size food storage bags. I have one of those big thermal lunch boxes to pack our snacks in.  

Our snacks include cut up veggies, grapes, sliced cantaloupe, chunks of watermelon, low fat cheese sticks, pretzels, apples, and a lot of fresh cold water… fresh filtered from our tap. 

I even bought a box of high fiber fruit and grain bars. I know they aren’t sugar free, but they are high in fiber and only 140 calories.

I think we’ll make it through until we get to sit down to a healthy meal.