Category Archives: Starting Over at 260 Pounds

Decisions Decisions! Eat This or Eat That?

We are in the midst of a life changing move here. I know, in past months I mentioned we were moving. We ended up not moving back then. Now we are in the midst of moving. Oh my goodness! Thirty years in the same home.  This move has been fairly hectic. We are about to have one whale of a moving sale. I’m tired of sorting and packing. Now I’m sorting and flinging. Flylady would be proud of my new attitude.

Add in the stresses of life… such as I mentioned in yesterday’s post.  Plus the joys of  prom week and tux fittings. I know.  I know. An 18 year old can get his own tux fitted… but hey, it’s a photo op for mom 😉 I’m finding it difficult to figure out meals. Not only healthy meals… I’m talking about meals for the family.  I do not know how to do this.

More than one day this past week I had to tell the boys dinner is in the freezer.  Thank goodness for healthy choices.  But there have been times I haven’t been home at meal time. More than once this week we’ve done the drive through at a greasy burger joint.  Well. Thank goodness for a little government involvement in some aspects of our lives.  The calorie count is posted right there on the menu. So going through the drive through now, I can figure out what I want to eat, based on the calorie count. I didn’t realize this until last night. Where have I been?

Based on the calorie count, I chose a fried sampler  over the burger I generally order. I saved myself about 1,000 calories! Who would have thought it. I know… deep fried. I know! It won’t happen often. But we had to eat while we were driving down the freeway… I can’t do healthy subway while eating in the car. It doesn’t work for me.  Good thing about the deep fried sampler. I shared it with hubby, saving even more calories than I would have with a burger and fries.

Today my decisions were made early. I’m packing extra carrot sticks, apples, and string cheese into my ice chest.  Plus I am scheduling dinner into my busy plans.

This Has To Stop

I don’t want to weigh myself every single day. But I did it again. I stepped on the scale first thing this morning. Good news! I’m down another pound!

Headache was gone, so I got right back on the band wagon and did a mini-work out.  I’ve been so busy today, I didn’t do much sitting down. So even though the workout was a short one, I wasn’t a couch potato all day long.

My eating plan is right on track for 1300 calories for the day. I’m keeping fruit out on the counter so it’s right there, easy snack to reach for.

I don’t plan to get on the scale until next Monday. But then again, I didn’t plan to step on the scale this morning.  It just happened. It has to stop.

I Couldn’t Resist

I’m not going to be working out today because I have a really bad headache. I was disapointed and had fears of failing if I don’t workout this day. But there is just no way. I know I can eat healthy, even though I’m not working out. But somewhere in my mind… and this is why I’m as fat as I am… I felt like this day is a lost day, no reason to think about healthy eating. Just feel better and eat whatever sounds good. Thank goodness, I didn’t feel like eating anything at all.

Anyway, I stepped on the scale. I don’t want to live by the scale and weigh daily. But it was there, and I stepped on it. I’m down a pound!  A pound since yesterday! I’m pretty excited! Seeing the one pound weight loss has given me hope! I can do this again!

So – So Weekend

We have healthy food in the house! Oh what a difference it makes to have healthy food on hand. The pantry was cleaned out and all snack foods were gone. I guess I should have talked to hubby because he thought he was being helpful last night and brought home my favorite snacky-type foods… cheetos! Oh no! He also bought a few bags of chips, and soda. My biggest problem though. He bought my all time favorite candy. York peppermint patties. OH No! Not just one! Noooo… I have a bag of them.

I managed to get in a lot of exercise on Saturday, but I didn’t do a thing on Sunday. Not even a walk around the house.

We had a lot of family and friends here helping us around the house on Saturday, and a big pizza party on Saturday night. Oh no! This morning my scale read 260, so I’m exactly where I started last week.

Only thing is, I’m up and moving again, so I’m not really where I started last week. When I look at the scale, there was no change. However, my body feels different. It isn’t taking everything I have to make it through a workout.

I’m excited to get this week off on a good roll. We are in the midst of an extremely hectic month. With our schedule tonight, there is no way to manage a home cooked meal, so we are picking up Subway. Mmmm! A light Subway sandwich, packed with all the vegies. Oh yum!  Along with a side of  sliced apples and a tall glass of water, I am looking forward to my dinner tonight!

We’ll have a housefull of friends and family this next weekend too. I’m planning ahead this time. There will be no pizza on the menu! This weekend may have been so-so, but my next weekend will be fantastic!